"The Emerging, Coming Voice"
After 21 years on the mission field in Ukraine, the Lord led my Ukrainian husband Zhenya and I back to America. We arrived in Oklahoma on February 8, 2017. While in prayer, the Holy Spirit repeatedly spoke to me that He would be teaching me about Justice while we were here. My thoughts immediately went to the phrase in our Pledge of Allegiance, "With liberty and justice for all", and how deeply ingrained into the heart and purpose of this nation that is. As I've been interceding here, I've continually been led to pray for and make decrees particularly concerning situations of injustice concerning abused children, animals, widows, orphans, the persecuted church and "unjust and false scales" in governing. Then on February 8, 2020, exactly 3 years from the time of our arrival in America, I had a dream:
In the dream, there were 5 women of varying nations standing on a stage in America, in what looked like an old movie theater. (This is interesting because in Ukraine, many church services meet in rented movie theaters.) They were getting ready for a worship and prayer service and the soundman was doing a sound check. He handed each of the women a mike. Some were cordless and some had wires. One woman looked down at her clothes and noticed that she was dressed all in deep purple and gold, from head to toe. Then the other women looked down at their clothes and noticed that they too were dressed regally, all in purple and gold. Standing in the middle was an African woman, in beautiful, regal- looking, native attire. They began to exclaim, "Wow, I didn't know I was dressed this way today!" People began to flock into the building for the meeting. And then suddenly, a deep, booming voice was heard, as if from heaven, saying, "It's all about the emerging, coming voice!"
Their purple and gold clothes represented the royal, priestly garments that had been given to those who'd cleansed themselves from the idolatry of the world, and have been tested, tried and refined by the fire of the Word of God and His Spirit. They had been through much, but had remained faithful and obedient to the Lord, as priests unto the Lord through much time with Him in worship and prayer. They were given regal authority and hadn't realized it.
The microphones, both cordless and with wires represented the different methods of their voices about to be amplified. The soundman was checking to see if they were all ready, and if he had a good, mixed (unified) sound. I believe the crowd rushing into the building, represented the hungry and the harvest.
The fact that this is the decade of "PEY" (the voice), according to the Hebrew calendar is no coincidence. The booming voice from heaven stating that it was all about the emerging, coming voice shows the importance and significance of releasing this voice, or this unified sound that has been developed and matured with true Kingdom authority in the place of prayer. This voice truly has the Kingdom authority and power to shift atmospheres in nations and regions.
The Moravians who were responsible for holding a 100 plus- year prayer meeting in Herrnhut, Germany, beginning in 1727, were used by God to return many to their First Love. Out of this unified prayer movement, the greatest missionary movement was birthed, bringing thousands to Jesus. By 1782, there were 27 missionary societies that had been established and 165 missionaries spread from the Arctic to the Tropics and from the Far East to America. As many know, this prayer movement influenced both Charles and John Wesley, as well as William Wilberforce, the liberator of thousands of slaves in the slave trade in England. Wilberforce’s vision was certainly fulfilled as God used him to reform and bring justice to many spheres of society, including exploited women and children, and even abused animals.
America has led the way in many ways for the accelerated and growing prayer and worship movements over the past 50 plus years. Separate Houses of Prayer have sprung up all over America, as well as in other nations of the world. But now the Lord is calling EVERY truth-loving, surrendered church -congregation of people to become a House of Prayer, as described in Isaiah 56: 6-7. Intimacy with God, both individually and then corporately, is key. When we will make worship and prayer the main thing and the MOST IMPORTANT PART of our ministry corporately, then we will see the Lord birth His Kingdom Plan, Justice and Harvest in the earth. It is then that our voice will become like His voice, and carry the Kingdom authority to “tear down, root up, to build and to plant” (Jeremiah 1: 9-10), and we will see His justice, revival and reformation, the likes of that which has never been seen before.
The Power of High Praise
Psalm 149: 5-9 says, “Let the high praises of God be in your mouth and a two-edged sword in your hand to reap vengeance upon the nations and chastisement upon the people; to bind their kings with chains and their nobles with fetters of iron; to execute upon them the judgment written. This honor have all the saints; praise ye the Lord.”
It’s in the high praises of God that high levels of faith begin to arise and be released in declarations, producing high levels of breakthrough. We have seen this example many times in the Old Testament with Jehosophat’s army of praisers on the frontlines of battle, Joshua and Gideon, for example, and in the New Testament with Paul and Silas in prison.
There is a “whirlwind” type of lifting up of our spirits in loud, joyful, celebrative, demonstrative praise with clapping, shouting, dancing and blowing the shofar that brings breakthroughs on corporate and personal levels of our lives, as well as releases God’s power to work on national levels. God wants to restore this to His Church. It’s in this place that He baptizes us with His victory!
When I first went to live in a post-communist country (Ukraine), many people would not lift their eyes up to even make eye contact with you on the streets. Their clothes were mostly the colors of dark brown, black and gray. When they began to experience the power of high praise for the first time, great breakthroughs would occur. People began to laugh, shout, dance and get set free from demonic oppression. Their favorite song was a very simple one called, “Ha-ha-ha-le-lu-jah!” Living in that country as a minister, I would constantly turn on and listen to high praise to break through such an oppressive atmosphere. It was during this time that I learned the value of “rejoicing and being in high spirits” (Zephaniah 3:14) and being baptized in His victory.
It’s All About the Emerging, Coming Voice
So why was this phrase heard in the dream? The emerging, coming voice that the Lord is preparing is not a new style of worship, praise or prayer, but rather a “sound within a sound”, like the “wheel within a wheel” in Ezekiel 1:16 (the power within the power), that has been birthed out of corporate houses of prayer. It is a unified and amplified sound from Heaven, carrying true spiritual authority to bring about true spiritual revival, reformation and the harvest that we are all longing for. This voice that comes forth first from His purified Bride, in high praise, prayer and intercession will then birth forth the voices used on the frontlines of the battle to bring forth the transformation of societies and nations in the natural realm, on all levels.
The question He is asking is: Will we as individuals, and then as congregations of believers, make the sacrifices and changes needed to become the House of Prayer He has been dreaming of, through which He can release His amplified, roaring Voice to change and shift
nations and destinies?